About Us
CPI Team
We strive to help individuals understand the paranormal world and help clients find answers to their difficult questions while we come face to face with some of the answers that many are afraid to confront.

Dave Olson
Founder & Lead Investigator / Technical & EVP Specialist
A Police Officer in the Chicago area since 1991, Dave Olson has worked for the City Colleges as a Lead Security Officer since 1994. As a police officer, he has been assigned to Street Patrol, Tactical & Gang units, Tech Specialist for the city surveillance cameras and currently assigned at the O’Hare Airport. Dave has been fascinated with the paranormal for many years and formed a team of investigators to assist people in need due to unexplained phenomena’s and to document the existence of paranormal activity using the latest technology in this field.
CPI Team Members

Meet Misty
Misty joined the CPI team as the new mobile command center in 2016. She is a rehabbed 2006 Ford Diesel ambulance, fully equipped with the latest paranormal investigative technology and gear.